
Digital Data Flow


2024 ‘DDF In Action’ Day

TransCelerate is having an in-person full day event:


Transforming Clinical Trials with Standards and Digitalization:

Continuing the Journey, Charting the Future


This interactive in-person experience will bring together sponsor companies, clinical solution providers, and key industry stakeholders to exchange knowledge and collaborate on implementing the Unified Study Definition Model (USDM) and Study Definitions Repository (SDR) DDF solutions.

Date & Locations

Date: Thursday, October 10th, 2024

Locations: Europe & US



Attendance Registration

Anyone interested in ‘Protocol Digitization and Interoperability’ may benefit from attending this event.

Click here to register for the event. NOTE: Space is limited. Registration will close once capacity has been reached.

Abstract Submission for DDF In Action Day Poster Session

If you have developed a solution that focuses on how the USDM and/or the SDR Reference Implementation have been or can be applied to achieve protocol digitalization, you can submit an abstract for DDF in Action Day Poster Session.

Click here to learn more. NOTE: Abstract submission closes on July 19th, 2024.