
TransCelerate’s DDF Directory Hosting and Automation

The purpose of this document is to provide version/contact information and instructions for installation of the solution.


This tool provides opportunities for solution providers and sponsors to connect and learn more about possible solutions utilizing Digital Data Flow (DDF) and the Unified Study Definitions Model (USDM).


The design is centered around leveraging Github’s CI/CD tool, Github Actions, to modify a static file with the contents of an issue form upon its completion.

Getting Started


Simply extract this package to the root directory of any github repository

Executing program

Program is automatically executed every time the new-directory-entry issue form is completed.

  1. User submits a new issue by selecting “New Directory Entry”, and providing the required information in the form before submitting.
  2. Submitting the form triggers GitHub to run an action detailed in “update-directory.yml” which captures the form entry into a payload, saves the payload as an environment variable, and calls the “add_row.py” script.
  3. “add_row.py” retrieves the payload from the environment variables, extracts the relevant solution information, and transforms it before loading it into “directory.md”
  4. Once “add_row.py” exits, the action then commits and pushes the “directory.md” to the master site which redeploys and updates what is displayed on the public site “https://transcelerate.github.io/ddf-directory/directory/directory.html”

File Descriptions and Maintenance


Version History